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Whether you are new to learning in kindergarten or have completed a masters degree, everyone has their own tricks with learning.

Although adults may not have as much free time as children to learn an instrument, they are not incapable of learning how to play! For instance, taking as little as 15 minutes out of the day to practice an instrument can make a big impact on their learning. Adults are able to pay attention for a longer time than children, pick up music theory faster, and have a stronger passion to learn. No matter your age, all that you need to learn an instrument is a passion to learn and dedication to practice. Adults also have better muscle control over children so technical skills are taught earlier to them. Children are motivated differently than adults, they learn better with awards and motivation by others, and adults understand what their goals are and how to reach them. Children have better musical memory which enable them to develop better hearing and aural skills if they start training when they are young. They are also less self-conscious than adults so they have more relaxed muscles when playing and they have more flexible fingers.

During the learning process, it is normal to have challenges. Overcoming these challenges will teach you lessons about how to improve your learning and will increase your level of success. If you can overcome these obstacles, you’ll learn a great lesson and achieve a higher level successfully. Do not give up when the going gets tough!

One common musical instrument that is taught is the piano. Both adults and children can learn to play it. As a child, you may learn to play the piano because your parents told you to do so. As an adult, usually the decision is of you own doing as it becomes a priority of your time and money. No matter the instrument or your age, an instrument is waiting for you to pick it up and learn it!


Start learning today at the Jerry Evans School of Music. Call us at (630) 359-7725, or email us to come in for a trial music lesson. We can’t wait to meet you!