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For years you have loved listening to the sound of the drum set. You love listening to the pulsating drive of drums in Rock Music, the strength of the kick drum in pop or dance music, and the subtle complexity of the drums in Jazz music. Multiple times you thought about doing a Google search for drum lessons and getting started. However, you always thought you couldn’t take drum lessons because you thought you were not coordinated enough to play the drums. 


I have great news for you: Even the most “uncoordinated” people can take drum lessons and succeed and play in a band!  


If you are skeptical or don’t believe me, just hear me out. 


At the Jerry Evans School of Music, we have had hundreds of beginning adult and child drum students who didn’t start with the necessary coordination, but went on to become very successful. 


Here is how a beginner can take drum lessons and succeed and achieve their dreams on drums.


  1. Have a willing and confident attitude. If you trust the professionals that are telling you that you can succeed at drum lessons, then you can do it.
  2. Have grit, consistency, and determination. learning a new instrument takes time. The first 3-4 months are often the most difficult. However, if you stay committed to drum lessons, and doing some practicing at home, you can do it!
  3. When you start out on drum lessons, a good teacher will never force you to play hard beats fast. Instead, the key is to start slow, and break things down. Here’s how: when you start your first beat, your teacher should have you practice it step by step with no time or tempo. Just play the next beat when you are ready for it. Then, over the course of days and weeks, your muscle memory learns it, and you are playing a beat in time, and rocking out with a guitar!  Yes, this is not a joke, this is how it happens with numerous students at the Jerry Evans School of Music in Wheaton. 
  4. As you learn more beats in drum lessons, you start learning them step by step and gradually moving them into tempo when you are ready. Don’t rush it, but take your time. In a matter of weeks or a couple months, even the most “uncoordinated” students will find that they ARE coordinated enough to play the drums!  Yes, you read that right! 


In the end, the most “uncoordinated” students can really take drum lessons and be successful! Taking drum lessons at the Jerry Evans School of Music in Wheaton, we prioritize making our school an encouraging and comfortable environment where students can achieve their passions and dreams in music. Call us today to try out a drum lesson, and we believe you will succeed!  630.359.7725


-Jerry Evans