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You are an adult. You have always wanted to take piano lessons, but you have a busy career. You are married. You have children, and you feel the stressors of life each week. You think you will have to wait until you are 50 or 60 to find free time for piano, but since someone told you that you couldn’t learn an instrument at that age you wonder if you may never get a chance.

However, don’t believe the lie that you can’t learn to play piano as an adult! I have incredible news for you! Sometimes the best time to take piano lessons is when you’re an adult with a busy life. You might think it’s crazy, but hear me out. We have many, many adult students at the Jerry Evans School of Music who successfully take piano or other instrument lessons as adults, and they succeed and have a great time!

Here are only 5 of the the top reasons of why taking piano lessons as an adult of any age is a great idea:

1. Reduce stress
Learning how to play piano can reduce stress. Playing piano can give you a refreshing outlet at the end of the day to decompress, take your mind off of responsibilities and stressors, and help you take care of yourself mentally and emotionally.

2. Build overall physical and emotional health
As a result of that reduced stress, playing piano can make you healthier physically and emotionally. Through the happiness and rest that piano lessons bring, you gain a better quality of life and reduce your risk of ailments like heart disease, diabetes, joint problems, and more.

3. Increase memory
Learning the piano can increase your memory. Researchers at Northwestern University found that music instruction helps with multiple areas of brain function, including improving memory and attention.

4. Strengthen speech
Taking piano lessons as an adult increases your vocabulary. By increasing neural pathways in the language parts of our brain, piano lessons strengthen your ability to navigate speech, which can help you with your career.

5. Train multitasking
Playing the piano increases “split concentration”. Since you use two hands to play, it trains you to multitask and become mentally sharper at doing separate things, and could also help with your career.

There are many other reasons to take piano lessons – especially as an adult. However, in the end, taking piano lessons is also fun, enjoyable, and rewarding. You may not have time to practice in large quantities, but you can still learn how to play piano effectively on minimal practice time. No need to feel pressured to practice every single day. Just bring a fun attitude and a desire to enjoy yourself, and taking piano lessons can be a great success as an adult! You can do it!


If you are interested in trying out piano lessons in Wheaton, Illinois, call the Jerry Evans School of Music at 630.359.7725 to schedule a trial lesson with one of our amazing teachers, and see how fun and rewarding piano lessons can be for you!

– The Jerry Evans School of Music