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You have wanted for you or your child to take piano lessons. You love the way the piano sounds, the kind of music played on it, and its tremendous impact on the education of young students. Piano lessons are phenomenal for helping a student raise their IQ, grades, test scores, confidence, develop multi-tasking ability, enjoy themselves, and much more! However, in 2020, Covid-19 changed how the world worked. People stayed at home more and changed their schedules, spending habits, and daily routines.

For safety or child care reasons, you may not feel comfortable taking piano lessons in person. So, you may have thought that piano lessons aren’t an option until you feel safe to go out more.

I have great news! Piano lessons are still an option, and they can be done online from the comfort of your own home or anywhere in the world with one of our great teachers from the Jerry Evans School of Music!


Here are some of the the top reasons why taking piano lessons online can be a great experience:

1. It’s easy and convenient. As long as you have working internet and a computer/pad/phone, you can take piano lessons online.

2. Online lessons with a teacher are extremely valuable, and students achieve amazing progress!!! Yes, you can learn music at a great pace, work easily with your expert teacher, ask questions, get pointers personalized for your needs, play along with your teacher, and work on music you love!

3. No need to fit in travel time or spend gas money to come to our school! Walk to your piano room to start and leave when you are done!

4. You can take a lesson anywhere in the world! Wow! If you decide to do some traveling out of state or out of the country, simply bring your computer/pad/phone, and find a piano that is available to use.

There are many other reasons to take piano lessons online. However, in the end, taking piano lessons online is also fun, enjoyable, and rewarding. Just bring a fun attitude and a desire to enjoy yourself and taking piano lessons online can be a great success! You can do it!

If you are interested in trying out online piano lessons – no matter where you live, call the Jerry Evans School of Music at 630.359.7725 to schedule a trial piano lesson with one of our amazing teachers. See how fun and rewarding online piano lessons can be for you!


– The Jerry Evans School of Music